EPA Proposes Reclassification for Non-attainment Areas
There are two proposals published in the Federal Register that affect areas classified as “Serious” for the 2008 8-hour Ozone NAAQS and for areas classified as “Marginal” for the 2015 8-hour Ozone NAAQS.Some areas were able to attain the standard by the deadline and others will be reclassified because they failed to meet […]
Pennsylvania Proposed Methane Rule
Pennsylvania’sProposed Methane RulesIn final stages of being adopted Pennsylvania is in the final stages of approving a new rule under Chapter 129 that will control VOC emissions from oil and natural gas sources as part of Governor Wolf’s Methane Reduction Strategy. The Draft Final-Form Annex A was published on October 27, 2021, […]
EPA’s Proposed Methane Rules
EPA’s Proposed Methane Rules Public Comment Period Nov. 15, 2021 to Jan. 14, 2022 EPA recently proposed amendments to NSPS OOOO and NSPS OOOOa in response to the recent Congressional Review Act (CRA) that rescinded the Trump Policy Amendments of September 2020. The EPA is not considering comments for these […]